Arowana fish


Arowana fish 

 Arowana fish are a popular and sought-after species among aquarium enthusiasts. They are known for their sleek, elongated bodies and stunning coloration, making them a prized addition to any collection. In this documentary, we'll explore the world of Arowana fish and provide insights into their care, breeding, and other important factors to consider when owning one.

Water Levels and Tank Requirements:

Arowana fish require a spacious aquarium with plenty of room to swim, as they are active and energetic swimmers. They prefer a water temperature between 75-82°F and a pH level of 6.5-7.5. It's also important to provide a filtration system to maintain water quality and ensure that the tank is adequately oxygenated. Arowana fish are sensitive to water quality, so regular water changes are necessary to prevent the buildup of toxins.

Feeding Methods:

Arowana fish are carnivores and primarily feed on live food, such as insects, small fish, and crustaceans. It's important to provide a varied diet that meets their nutritional requirements. Live food can be fed either directly or using a feeding stick to avoid handling the fish and minimize stress. Pellets and flakes can also be used as supplementary food, but live food should make up the majority of their diet.


Breeding Arowana fish can be a challenging process, as it requires careful attention to their environment and feeding habits. Arowana fish are known for their distinctive breeding behavior, in which the male carries the fertilized eggs in his mouth until they hatch. To encourage breeding, it's important to create a suitable breeding environment with appropriate water parameters, adequate lighting, and a suitable diet. It's also important to select a compatible breeding pair to increase the likelihood of successful reproduction.

When selecting a breeding pair, it's essential to choose healthy, mature fish that are free from disease and deformities. It's also crucial to consider their temperament and behavior, as Arowana fish can be aggressive towards each other and may require separate tanks. It's recommended to observe the fish for a few weeks before introducing them to each other, to ensure that they are compatible and show no signs of aggression.

Once a suitable breeding pair is established, it's important to provide them with a breeding environment that mimics their natural habitat. This may include a separate breeding tank with plants, rocks, and other structures that provide hiding places for the fish. The water temperature and pH should also be adjusted to stimulate breeding behavior.

During the breeding process, the male will carry the fertilized eggs in his mouth for approximately 50 days until they hatch. It's important to provide the male with a suitable diet during this time, as he will not be able to eat normally while carrying the eggs. The fry will be born with a yolk sac attached, which will provide them with nourishment for the first few days of life.

Once the fry have hatched, they should be transferred to a separate rearing tank with suitable water conditions and fed a diet of live food such as brine shrimp or small insects. It's important to monitor the fry closely during this time and provide regular water changes to ensure their continued health and growth.

In conclusion, breeding Arowana fish can be a rewarding but challenging process that requires careful attention to detail and specialized knowledge. With the right care and environment, however, Arowana fish can produce healthy and thriving offspring that will provide joy and wonder to their owners.


Arowana fish are a fascinating and beautiful species of fish that require specialized care and attention. With proper care and maintenance, they can thrive in the home aquarium and provide years of enjoyment to their owners. It's important to research the specific needs of your Arowana fish variety to ensure that you provide them with the best possible care. We hope this documentary has provided you with the knowledge and skills you need to care for your Arowana fish and appreciate the wonder of this amazing species. Happy fishkeeping!


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